Sunmi's label MakeUs Entertainment to take legal action against malicious commenters
Posted by Germaine-Jay Friday, August 9, 2019
Sunmi's label MakeUs Entertainment is planning to take legal action against malicious commenters.
On August 9, the label announced, "We'll begin our legal action against those who create and spread posts and comments that are malicious and include baseless accusations to defame the character and image of our label artist Sunmi. With evidence we've secured with constant monitoring and documents submitted to us, we've sought advice from our legal counsel and are planning to take strong legal action."
MakeUs Entertainment also requested help from fans, asking them to submit evidence of malicious posts to the e-mail provided. The agency concluded, "We will no longer stay silent as our artist suffers from malicious words that people spout behind anonymity, and we'll do our best to protect the rights of our artist. We hope our efforts will lead to a more mature and healthy internet culture. Thank you."
In other news, Sunmi is set to make a comeback later this month.
[NOTICE] ⠀ 소속 아티스트 선미의 이미지 및 명예 훼손 관련 고소 안내 ⠀ 당사는 소속 아티스트에 대한 악의적인 비방과 날조된 게시물 및 댓글을 작성하고 유포시킨 악플러들에 대해 법적 대응할 방침입니다. ⠀ 제보 메일:
haters gonna hate. more famous = more haters.