A Korean attacked me. Grabbed and pulled my hair and hit me till my arms turned red.
A friend who was accompanying Miyurin posted the video that she took of the attacker.
She had taken a video as the man was following them while they were in Seoul, and he was making them feel unsafe by yelling at them to get out of Korea.
When the man realised he was being felt, he began to violently confront Miyurin and her friends. After continuing to yell obscenities and vulgarities at them, he began physically assaulting Miyurin.
Miyurin posted a follow-up tweet displaying evidence of the attack.
In the photos, the man can be seen kicking Miyurin to the ground and aggressively pulling her hair.
The tweet has since gone viral, amassing over 200,000 likes and 100,000 retweets.
Miyurin stated in her tweets that she believed this was because he got more infuriated when they tried to ignore him.
Koreans will get angry if you ignore their flirting and harassment … Korea isn’t safe
She also described that he continued yelling derogatory terms at her and her friends.
The tweets caused an internet storm with many Japanese netizens harshly criticising the man’s prejudiced and disgusting behaviour.
Meanwhile, many Korean netizens slammed this senseless attack and felt apologetic for Miyurin’s experience.
Sorry, very sorry. We are extremely remorseful. This kind of men is only one in a thousand in Korea. We apologise. This man will be punished by our people. Once again, we are very sorry.
The Korean police responded to the incident by announcing that they had found the victim and suspect in the alleged assault case.
During investigations, Miyurin was taken to hospital after experiencing pain, as the attack left her with numbness down her neck and on her right arm and neck.
She will reportedly require hospital admission once she returns to Japan.
Despite recent escalating tensions between Korea and Japan, it was reported that the attack is completely unrelated to the deteriorating relationship between the two countries.
I hope he gets a sentence bad enough to scare him straight. Things like these shouldnt be ignored. He isnt a reflection of sociecty, he is a piece of trash that needs a good lesson in manners.
I hope he gets a sentence bad enough to scare him straight. Things like these shouldnt be ignored. He isnt a reflection of sociecty, he is a piece of trash that needs a good lesson in manners.
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