
Ahn Jae Hyun's ads for cosmetics brand Merbliss to be deleted

Posted by Germaine-Jay Thursday, August 22, 2019

Cosmetics brand Merbliss is cutting ties with 2-year endorsement model Ahn Jae Hyun.

The very public back-and-forth Ahn Jae Hyun and Goo Hye Sun recently had on their divorce seems to have had a negative effect on both their reputations as his advertisements for wedding-themed cosmetics brand Merbliss will be deleted.

On August 22, Merbliss announced on Instagram, "We're unable to hide our shock about Ahn Jae Hyun's divorce controversy and the disclosure on social media. Regarding this, we sincerely apologize to our customers who trusted our brand and purchased from us. As a brand with a wedding theme, Merbliss pursues love and happiness. When we signed with Ahn Jae Hyun 2 years ago, we believed his image as a newlywed romanticist fit the direction our brand was going. After the expiration of our contract, we extended it and maintained the relationship for 2 years."

The company continued, "We believe the recent issues around Ahn Jae Hyun and Goo Hye Sun's controversial divorce is very different from what we pursue. Because of this, we'll be halting all of our advertisements and content featuring Ahn Jae Hyun, and the advertisements and content that were previously posted will be deleted in order."

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안녕하세요 멀블리스입니다. . 현재 안재현씨의 파경 논란에 대한 SNS 폭로전 이슈로 멀블리스 또한 당혹스러움을 감출 수 없으며, 이와 관련하여 저희 브랜드를 믿고 이용해주신 고객님들에게 진심으로 사과드립니다. . 멀블리스는 웨딩 컨셉으로 사랑과 행복을 추구하는 브랜드입니다. . 2년 전 멀블리스가 안재현씨와 첫 계약을 했을 당시 신혼이었던 안재현씨의 사랑꾼 이미지가 저희 브랜드가 추구하는 방향과 적합하다고 판단되어 계약을 진행하였으며, 계약 종료 이후 재계약을 통해 2년이라는 시간동안 계약을 이어온 상황입니다. . 현재 많은 이슈가 되고 있는 안재현씨와 구혜선씨의 파경 논란과 관련하여 멀블리스가 추구하는 방향과는 너무도 다르다고 판단되어 현 시간부터 안재현씨와 관련된 모든 광고와 컨텐츠를 중단하고 기존에 작성 및 유지되었던 광고와 컨텐츠는 순차적으로 삭제를 진행할 예정입니다. . 고객님들의 너그러운 양해 부탁드립니다. 더 노력하고 발전하는 멀블리스가 되도록 하겠습니다. . 감사합니다. #멀블리스 #merbliss #안재현 #안재현화장품 #안재현이혼 #공식입장

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  1. Ahn Jae Hyun
  2. Goo Hye Sun
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Canucks4Life2,736 pts Thursday, August 22, 2019 2
Thursday, August 22, 2019

Honestly I can understand where there coming from on this, regardless of who did what or when it is a wedding theme brand so having someone who is going through a divorce that is getting messy and playing out on social media being the face of your product might not paint it in an attractive light for consumers. At the end of the day it's about making money so your going to cut the strings from someone who might jeopardize that, it's just good business sense.

Quite frankly though I expect more brands to cut ties with each of them in the future, airing your dirty laundry in public has consequences and being less marketable is one of them.

16 (+23 / -7)

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LittleFoxx2,673 pts Thursday, August 22, 2019 0
Thursday, August 22, 2019

Fair enough. The brand positioning is about marriage, a happy one. With this recent issue, it does not align with their marketing strategy. I do hope that they could settle this ASAP. It's unhealthy for them not only for their careers, but also their mental health. They should stop "attacking" each other on social media, but start with the divorce process soon with the helps of their lawyers.

6 (+7 / -1)


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