The tension between Ham So Won and Jin Hua continues to rise as the couple ended another fight in tears on the July 30 broadcast of 'Flavor of Wife'.
Ham So Won asked Jin Hua what he thought of getting a babysitter, saying that he looked tired. She said that if the couple got a babysitter, Jin Hua would be more comfortable. However, Jin Hua stated that he was against this idea, stating "I tell you all the time. Until the baby is 3, she needs someone who can give her stability. Babysitters are people that aren't a stable figure in her life. There's a saying that your life is decided for you depending on how you were raised until 3 years old. We need to raise her until she's at least 4."
Ham So Won stated that she wanted to find a sitter to make Jin Hua less stressed and the argument ended with Jin Hua curtly saying "If you want to do it, do as you want" before leaving to another room to avoid another fight.
The couple began to hold interviews for potential baby sitters, but Jin Hua decided he didn't want any of them. Ham So Won ended up giving up on persuading Jin Hua and called her mother-in-law, who stated that Jin Hua was raised by a babysitter when he was younger which was why he was so opposed to the idea. Ham So Won ended up crying, saying it is difficult whenever she and her husband get into conflicts.
Netizens have been commenting saying:
"This time around I understand where both of them are coming from."
"Both of them are going to get depression. They need to listen and care for each other more."
"Jin Hua should have just told her from the beginning he didn't want one."
"Ham So Won seems to just be doing whatever she wants without regarding the past."
Check out the footage below.
Well if one of them is able to stay home and take care of the baby they don’t need a babysitter. The fact that his mom says he was raised by one but he opposes the idea of a babysitter because it shapes the child’s life must mean he didn’t like having a babysitter as a child! If it’s his experience I think she should respect the reason he doesn’t want a babysitter. Compromise in marriage. Obviously there’s a reason for him not wanting such a young child with a babysitter and they can talk about that off camera. She should let this one go.