BTS recently returned back to Seoul after completing their 2 nights stadium tour in Osaka, Japan.
Fans were quick to spot he had 3 pain patches on the back of his neck. These patches were pain relieving patches used for alleviating muscle pains.
Fans expressed their concern and hope for Big HIt to allow Jimin to rest so he can fully recuperate from his injuries before their next scheduled concert date at the Ecopa Shigaoka Stadium in Shizuoka on July 13-14.
We all hope that Jimin will be able to find time to rest and really recuperate his health.

BTW Those aren't pain pads but Kinesio or KT tapes. They are used basically to support muscle and can be used as prevention to injury (Especially if one is prone to injury in a certain area) as well as in recovery (reducing swelling, pain from cramping etc).
In my school basicially, any moderately athletic girl had sported the tape at one point.
The good thing is that wearing the tape means that one has recently seen a doctor or therapist of some kind, meaning bighit is looking after Jimin somewhat.