Fans are voicing criticism against the removal of the official fancafe and SNS account of Pristin - where memories of the group with fans are kept - after they disbanded.
On June 28, the management company of Pristin, Pledis Entertainment, deleted the posts on the official fancafe of Pristin. The agency said, "We decided to stop running the fancafe and removed the SNS channels of Pristin from June 30, 2019. We limit the uploading in order to avoid advertising posts."
Currently, Pristin's official Twitter account has been deleted. Except for the "Pristin Story" corner on Daum's fancafe, the group's information pages are all closed.
Before this information, Pristin's fans showed dissatisfaction by comments like "Why the information page is removed?", "They make fans unable to communicate with each other", " Hopefully, it will be kept as a memory", etc.
On the other hand, Pristin debuted in 2017with 10 members, including Nayoung and Kyulkyung from I.O.I. However, after working with 3 albums counting the unit's one, the group officially disbanded in May.
My Daily = Reporter Kwon Hye Mi
Photo = My Daily DB, screenshots from the fancafe on Daum can officially go to hell!!!
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