

Posted by chimmybabe-282 pts Monday, July 8, 2019

You are all so blind and only look at the things right in front of you man.I am so so angry at those certain Army defending that money hungry company.“The boys are grown ass men, they can decide how much they want to work“?  Have you ever heard of the feeling of obligations, work mentality and social pressure? It’s not just in Asian cultures where you feel guilty for not working hard enough. Even adults can be overworked and have burnouts? The more responsibility they get the more pressured they’d feel to deliver better content AND keep those standards.If fans tell the members to rest it’s just empty phrases. Why? If one worries and tells somebody to rest, they usually imply that they don’t want the other to continue what causes pain. And not trying to support it further. It’s like continue buying makeup products of a hyped up makeup line that has the cruelest animal testing, because you as a “fan” apparently doesn’t have a right to say anything. You are allowed to worry, but you are not allowed to tell them to change their ways? Sure, that definitely gets you to a solution. What a load of bullshit.The members HAVE to tell you that they are fine . And on top of that it’s different in Korean entertainment industry where you have contracts in which you are owned by the company. You a fucking delulu if you think bighit is any different. Don’t you find it strange that they considered disbanding at the beginning of 2018, but all they told you was “we are fine and happy” throughout the year? You wouldn’t have known anything if Jin didn’t spill that info and still are in your delusions that they are healthy and fine.Oops sorry, many of you still think that they loooove to work their asses off until they get chronic muscle pain because tHeY Do iT fOr Us fANs!!! But they are still happy and fine… my bad… You seem to have forgotten already what Jin told you. Wait until the end of 2019, what they will tell you this time.when THEY considered disbanding their CEO ran to trademark everything related to them so the group couldn't use their own IP if they ended up wanting to leave. Plus fake news about going public for the sake of media play & other questionable biz deals.Followed by half-assed management for the following cb that almostsmelled intentional sabotage. It's as if the CEO was trying to avoid letting BTS decide for themselves by denying them their rights to their creative property.Additionally, the CEO made moves to polish the public image of himself & his company while exploiting the emotional/physical suffering ofhis artists & proceeding to compromise their safety on several occasions. Failed preventing a global pr issue & also failed responding to it.He also also shifted the focus from the group's own ideas on music to merch/additional sales, ignored global promotions for the sake of local privileged people with power while also ignoring the delusion that plagues the fandom. Not to mention he totally shuts down criticism.Remember when the executives of the company publicly admitted that ifthe BTS grows too big it's a risk to the company and how their main priority is merch sales instead. Plus, an affiliate had previously stated how the fandom is blind and can be tricked into buying anything.Just trust the happy family and their propaganda machine :) Stop believing in the idea that bh isn't like the other companies cause it's not true at all.
You won't ever catch BTS saying something directly negative about their company, they're legally obliged not to. They have a contract with BH & have no say over their schedules.

Armys can excuse bh overworking the members and not taking care of their injuries/pain, but draw a line at you calling this out cause bh's reputation is more important than bts' health and well-being.The fandom wants to put their head in the sand and enjoy their ship moments, merch and run episodes and live in fantasy world where everything is sunshine and rainbows over confronting the reality where the members are burnt out and exhausted.

Armys be like:
-Viciously victim blames their own faves

- Worships the company that fails to manage proper schedules or provideproper care and that exploits the physical pain of the members bymonetizing their struggles via emotion porn

Y'all knew they had nonstop schedules since aug 2018, having a world tour with barely a month off dedicated to the comeback in the middle of it. don't you think they're exhausted? They're being overworked and disrespected yet they smile and say "army is the best".No other fandom, literally NOT a single one, polices and guilt trips people for expressing concern and demanding their favs to rest. the fact yall arem ore concerned AGAIN with bighit's image and feelings over prioritizing bts' health says it all.The fact that these ""fans"" are literally blaiming the members for "choosing" to overwork themselves is honestly sickening.I've been saying this for months now but it doesn't matter how manytimes the members will say they're feeling tired and exhausted, how manytimes they look like they're about to pass out on the stage the fandom will wake up only when one of them gets hospitalised.
I’ve never seen this level of delusion and excuses for a capitalistic entity before BH aren’t a fcking family they’re a company who are usingthe members to make money at the cost of their health. Their schedules are inhuman but no one cares.Considering bon voyage, answer comeback, summer package and co the members have been working nonstop since they released tear but y'all aren't ready for this conversation .

So...."army" take a good look in the mirror. Are you actually here for the humans behind BTS or are you mindless consumers obsessed with products and merch?Being a sane person in this fandom is so incredibly frustrating. I know it's difficult to snap out of the delusion when the purpledom propaganda is strong and even enforced by the members themselves. But for crying out loud you guys need to wake up. This is not healthy at all. There are so many issues piling up it will all fall over one day.

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