Episode 5 recently aired, marking the first round of eliminations for the show. Only the top 60 contestants were able to stay, while the others would be returning back to their agencies to continue training
These are the trainees who rose above the ranks and are the current top 10.
10. Starship Entertainment’s Ham Wonjin (578,263 votes)
9. Starship Entertainment’s Go Jungmo (669,616 votes)
8. Music Works’ Song Yuvin (679,286 votes)
7. DSP Media’s Son Dongpyo (710,483 votes)
6. MBK Entertainment’s Nam Dohyun (844,597 votes)
5. BRANDNEW MUSIC’s Lee Eunsang (931,256 votes)
4. TOP Media’s Kim Wooseok (933,869 votes)
3. Starship Entertainment’s Song Hyeongjun (1,024,859 votes)
2. Jellyfish Entertainment’s Kim Mingyu (1,033,132 votes)
1. OUI Entertainment’s Kim Yohan (1,094,299 votes)
Personally, I love this line-up all my top picks made it in and I hope it doesn't change... But most likely will.
How do you guys like this line-up? Who's your top pick?
YUVIN <3 *fighting* ive always thought he had a ton ton of talent and potential to go far, im so happy he has this opportunity, i really hope he goes all the way ♥
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