Following the Jannabi bullying controversy, another netizen has come forward with claims of being bullied in middleschool by former SISTAR member,Hyolyn.
On May 25th, a netizen published a post titled "School violence, me too, I'm shaking".
In the post, netizen 'A', writes about how they attended the same middle school as Hyolyn fifteen years ago, providing photos of her middle school graduation certificate and Hyolyn's yearbook pictures from her personal copy as proof and claims that they were constantly harassed by the singer during this time.

'A' continues, stating that the bullying began from their first year of middle school and continued on relentlessly for three years. In a quote from the post, 'A' claims, "[Hyolyn] would regularly steal my clothes, money, etc., and would find any reason to attack me on the apartment playground."
In another part of the post, 'A' recalled, "My friend once was called over to karaoke [with Hyolyn] and got hit on the head with the microphone".
As to a reason behind why Hyolyn allegedly targeted this netizen, 'A' states, "Hyolyn bullied me because my boyfriend had the same name as her boyfriend at the time."
'A' continues on, saying, "I'm amazed at myself for not having committed suicide during those three years and enduring it. I used to wish I could get into a traffic accident on my way to school just so I wouldn't have to be the target of her anger."
Afterwards, 'A' demanded an apology from Hyolyn through a friend, but ultimately did not receive one. Rather, 'A' recounts that whenever they would run into each other on the bus Hyolyn would throw vindictive comments towards 'A' like, "I guess you're all grown up now."
Fifteen years has passed since the alleged bullying took place, but 'A' claims they have been unable to escape the horrible memories and has affected their ability to live their life comfortably, including consistently changing the TV channel whenever Hyolyn comes on and switching radio stations because they feel physically unable to listen to any of Hyolyn's songs and voice.
Last year, 'A' gathered up the courage to send Hyolyn a private direct message through Instagram again to demand an apology out of her, but 'A' includes a screenshot of the direct message, showing that they never received a reply from the singer.

(School graduation certificate on the left, Instagram direct message on the right)
The Instagram message reads, "Ten years have already passed since you tormented me, and I still feel pain every time I see you on TV. I guess there is no justice in the world since the attacker is living well and all the victim can do is watch their success grow. It's unfair. Just apologize for the things you did to me. I want to hear an apology from you before I die. You ignored the last message I sent you all those years ago and now I hope there comes a day where you get what you deserve."
'A' ends the post with a statement of disgust, saying, "Seeing a perpetrator of school violence proudly appear on TV with a sparkling, clean image is truly disgusting."
okay but where's the proof? all we have is that they went to the same school as her and they sent her one (1) dm a year ago.
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