On May 7, Super Junior's maknae Kyuhyun officially became the last member of the group to successfully completely his mandatory service!
Following member Donghae's welcome back post earlier, the other Super Junior members also joined in on celebrating Kyuhyun's discharge. Notably, the group's leader Leeteuk also commemorated the time that it took for all of the members of Super Junior to complete their mandatory service duties - approximately 9-10 years!
The first Super Junior member who began his mandatory service was the currently inactive Kangin, in 2010. Then, the rest of the members followed with Heechul in 2011, Leeteuk in 2012, Yesung in 2013, Sungmin, Shindong, Donghae, Eunhyuk, and Siwon in 2015, Ryeowook in 2016, and Kyuhyun in 2017.
Leeteuk wrote in his celebratory Instagram post, "#Kyuhyun, you worked hard. #Now we need to prepare another chair. #Super Junior. #Mandatory service entirely complete. #Took about 10 years. #Success. #Super Junior comeback 2019. #I don't know myself when it will be yet. #But please look forward to it. #Kyu, we have a lot to do. #Go!!"
Members Heechul and Yesung also made sure to welcome Kyuhyun back via Instagram, which you can check out below.

congrats super junior! haha that heechul and kyuhyun pic is so cute
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