The members of Super Junior talked about the tricky questions they received on a Mexican talk show.
On the April 30 airing of MBC Every1's 'Video Star,' MC Park Na Rae asked, "I heard you guys were very shocked by the degree of questions given on a Spanish broadcast?"
Eunhyuk replied, "It was actually in Mexico," and added, "It was very hot." He explained, "They so casually asked when and where we enjoy sexual intercourse. It wasn't even an adult show, just an ordinary talk show. They casually asked us when our last time was..."

Eunhyuk continued, "We were so startled but the fans who were watching (in the studio) yelled out, 'Answer!" Ultimately, we decided the loser of rock, paper, scissors will answer and Siwon ended up answering. He did well by going around the question. He said we are healthy men in their 30s and we're working hard in both love and work."

"loser of rock paper scissors" thats how suju makes all their important decisions tbh
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