Park Yoochun is facing up to 7 years and 6 months in prison.
According to a lawyer who spoke to MBC's "Section TV Entertainment News", the singer/actor is facing a significant amount of time in prison.
Park Yoochun's Lawyer Kwon Chang-beom said on the 25th, "The results of the analysis by NISI (National Institute of Scientific Investigation) are undeniable but Yoochun isn't changing his position about not taking drugs. There isn't much time left until the warrant investigation tomorrow but we're looking into how the methamphetamine entered his body and was detected by the National Forensic Service this time."
Lawyer Kim Hee-joon revealed on "Section TV", "If you take drugs several times, you will be sentenced up to 7.5 years in prison. He's expecting at least some prison time within that range."
In the meantime, Park Yoochun will undergo the preliminary warrant exam on the 26th and is facing significant prison time for the multiple injections.
Source: TV Report
That's a bit much for drugs. Is Seungri getting 20 then?
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