Boy band BTS made Mattel the hottest social media brand of March. According to Twitter analytics data as tracked by Thinknum, the toy manufacturer Mattel saw a 44.32% change of followers on its main account during the month of March.
Why was this? Blame #BTSxMattel, a mix between a Korean band and American toy company that single-handedly made Mattel an overnight social media success story. BTS helped Mattel gain 60k Followers on Twitter. The wave of followers crashed on March 25, when Mattel fully announced its line of official BTS dolls to the tune of 61,000 retweets, 137,000 likes, and over 31,000 replies. At the crest of the marketing campaign, Mattel's Twitter account had a total growth of 44.32% from March 1 to April.
This is the diamond sword of influencers on improving a company's social media metrics, or even sales: BTS followers flocked to Mattel after the big release of boy band dolls. Now that the wait is over and the dolls are fully announced, it appears that BTS may be taking its fans with them, accounts are unfollowing the brand after no longer having an interest in the company and only in the influencer.
All around, Mattel hasn't been doing well. Maybe this sudden BTS collab is what they needed to get their new status.
I am not a BTS fan (not a hater).
but I think the dolls are kinda crappy lol
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