SBS reported that Hwang Hana, the grand daughter of Namyang Dairy's founder, tested positive for drugs by the National Forensic Service.
However, shortly after the news broke out, every article about it started being removed. Currently there is no Korean article left about the issue.
Meanwhile, the Japanese media were quick to translate them!

These kinds of things right here are why people are having doubts about the whole process. Yoochun's situation aside, it's blatantly obvious that Hwang Hana's family are doing their best to push this out of the public view. There's a narrative they're trying to spin, which is why MBC kept coming out with report after report of all these alleged misdeeds by Yoochun even when they were being denied by the police themselves. I know everything hasn't come out for him yet from the investigation, so we still can't say he's 110% innocent. However, it's no coincidence that people at MBC would risk their journalistic integrity over things that have thus far proven to be false about Yoochun, and then these articles about Hwang Hana just get wiped from the internet. Money is at play here, and it's disgusting.
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