HA:TFELT (Yenny) opened up about her dating life.
On the April 16 airing of MBC Every1's 'Video Star,' HA:TFELT explained she doesn't want to rush into marriage. She plans to wait until she finds the right person.
She added, "You have to continue dating though. Well, not dating but I think it's important for you to continuously love."
When asked if she had any special dating experience, Yenny replied, "My recent relationship ended badly," and explained the ex-boyfriend ghosted her - suddenly cutting off all contact without any explanation or goodbye.
HA:TFELT said, "Good or bad memories, I always produce music when I date. I'm working on a song now with this relationship as an experience. The title is 'Happy Now.'"

Ghosting is really common in Korea, I experienced it the hard way 😑 I wish it upon no one!
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