Dutch documentary criticized for asking GWSN rude questions on plastic surgery & scandals + KIWIPOP responds
Posted by yckim124764 pts Wednesday, April 17, 2019
A Dutch documentary titled, 'Ewout & de Keiharde K-pop Wereld,' is under fire for their biased depiction of the K-pop industry, and "harassing" GWSN with rude questions.
Many fans are displeased with the documentary for its lack of research and only highlighting the dark side of the K-pop industry. The show even used footage from SHINeeJonghyun's funeral to emphasize the depressive manner of K-pop idols.
they also used a video of jonghyun's funeral to fuel their argument that 'kpop idols are depressed' and basically implying that this is the case for all kpop idols. they didn't even have the decency to do a little bit of research, just put it in bc the topic was suicide.
The documentary also visits GWSN at their fansign event. The host fires rude questions such as "Did you get plastic surgery?" He also asked the members to share thoughts on the ongoing K-pop scandals.
then he went back to the front of the line while the girl was already talking to a fan (which probably shortened her time with her idol) and started asking her more questions. all while he knew they had a tight schedule bc he complained about it earlier.
GWSN's agency, KIWIPOP, shared an official statement and explained the Dutch staff members entered the event without permission and did not keep their promise to edit out certain scenes.
The agency stated, "They entered the event without obtaining any permission from our staffs and interviewed GWSN with rude questions, which we had to stop. Later, they had agreed that they would edit out certain scenes containing the interviews, staffs, and fans, and that they would finalize the edits concerning scenes with GWSN upon our consent. However, it has been verified that they have broadcasted the program without contacting us beforehand for any kind of consent, confirmation, agreement or permission."
KIWIPOP is trying to contact the Dutch companies and production team for details. The agency also apologized for the alarming incident.
Disgusting. There may not be anything the agency can do legally against those idiots, but they ought to be shamed like woah. NOT cool, Dutch guys. Not cool. >___<
16(+19 / -3)
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yukidal944 ptsWednesday, April 17, 2019 5
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
And the racist, stereotyping and rude behaviour towards kpop continues.
And the worst thing is, the reaction would be on whole another level of this was asked to any boy group say BTS...
There may not be anything the agency can do legally against those idiots, but they ought to be shamed like woah. NOT cool, Dutch guys. Not cool.
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