The gift became controversial after it was revealed the headwear is made by Seo Min Jung's friend's company. Several fans criticized Seo Min Jung for using BTS to help promote her friend's business.
In response to the issue, Seo Min Jung spoke with Ilgan Sports on April 19, and stated, "Making money by promoting my friend's business is unimaginable."
Seo Min Jung also explained she didn't actually attend the radio show as a translator but was invited by a radio show associate who she has a close relationship with. She explained she just wanted to give a special gift and it was also discussed with the producer ahead of time.
Seo Min Jung said, "I was just happy to meet BTS so I uploaded photos with them and my peer but misunderstandings were formed. I have deleted the post because I don't want to cause harm to BTS. My peer has also deleted the photo. I sincerely apologize if there were misunderstandings. I am sorry for causing concerns."
Wow people will *it*h about anything. She is an actress and an older woman who gave a small thoughtful gift. Who gives a d*mn what company made it as long as the company hasn't committed any crimes. Jimin was thankful for the gift so obviously him and the boys weren't offended by it.
43(+45 / -2)
lil_suga_kookies170 ptsFriday, April 19, 2019 0
Friday, April 19, 2019
although the situation could be like this
she is like me, has a tight budget and has things to pay with that.
she is an army so she wants to gift them something (something even I would do).
so she turns to her friend who owns a shop since she might get a discount or pay in bits even though she is making a custom one
without much thought she proceeds like a simple-minded fangirl
some netz need to stop overthinking not like she forced jimin or predicted that he would post that she prepared it
Wow people will *it*h about anything. She is an actress and an older woman who gave a small thoughtful gift. Who gives a d*mn what company made it as long as the company hasn't committed any crimes. Jimin was thankful for the gift so obviously him and the boys weren't offended by it.