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Stop Victimizing Criminals

Posted by FandomUnKnwn1,191 pts Thursday, March 14, 2019

I've recently read another post about Seungri and why we should support him. I'm honestly sick of edits like this. Not because you're "sharing your opinion," but because of what you put in your opinion. Everything in these posts invalidate actual victims. 

I'm sharing my reply to the last one I've seen. I think more people need to see this. This is not a light situation and this concept of supporting someone as a fan is flawed. You're a human being first and frankly, none of you would be saying this if you were one of the women affected. 

I'm more than sure a few of the women they victimized were fans of them. Human beings were trafficked, raped, and taken advantage of. This is not a light situation. This is not them being caught in a dating scandal. This is an organized crime ring that's existed for multiple years.


"If you are a 'true fan that will love and support through the hardships in life', then why aren't you supporting him now?" ;

That's simple to answer. Because for these accusations and the evidence against him, Seungri does not DESERVE any love or support "through the hardships in life." This is not a "hardship." These are allegations of prostitution, illegal pornography, non-consensual filming, ;rape, you name it. This isn't something like supporting your idol during the loss of a loved one or a bout of depression or even a misguided tweet. This is a ring of crimes, none of which are petty in any way, shape, or form. He didn't steal a candy bar, he helped rape women in every sense of the word and whored people out. All of those involved are guilty of this, even if they weren't actively participating in the group chat. They were in it, they were aware of it, and therefore they're all accessories and guilty to a certain extent.

Do not call this a hardship. That downplays the situation and the allegations they're facing.

"But I see people giving them hate and it isn't right. I'm sure EVERYONE has seen what some of the American celebrities that we love has done. From drug smuggling to even sex tapes being found, but we still find it in our hearts to forgive them and still support them."

A sex tape and a non-consensual taping are two different things. In a sex tape, two people CONSENT to recording their intimacy. They may not consent to it being released, but they consented to it being taken and were aware of that fact. ;This is NOT the case for those accused. These are not sex tapes, these are videos that the women didn't not know of. Once again, do not downplay the situation. This is not Kim K's sex tape that she consented to recording.

And yes, people like YOU forgive celebrities for things they do and support them despite heinous acts they participate in. That doesn't make it morally right though and saying that because that's how it was done in the past does not make it acceptable in the present. That is the mentality the people accused most likely have as well. Because they've done it in the past, they continued on because no one that knew spoke against it.

Is R. Kelly's on actions suddenly ok because he was forgiven and supported ;by his fans once before? Is pedophilia suddenly fine because he and others like him didn't face repercussions in the past?

"We all make mistakes, and while the artist is stressed out about the incident, seeing hate comments about them just make them feel worse."

You know what? They SHOULD feel worse. You want to know why? Because their actions were disgusting. Because they victimized countless women. Because they suddenly feel "remorse" after being caught. Because they know they shouldn't have done this to begin with. This was not a mistake. Mistakes are when someone has an "oppsie" moment. In a mistake, people will say or do something minor without knowing this consequences prior to doing that action and this is not one.

This is organized crime, a ring they had down to a science. They knew what they were doing. A mistake is not PLANNED, it is not ORGANIZED, and it is not stealthy hidden from public eye. They all knew that their actions were illegal because if they hadn't thought so, they wouldn't have taken the measures they did to keep it from others they knew wouldn't actively support them or join them.

"If you were a celebrity and did something like this, you wouldn't like it if this was happening to you, so don't do it to them."

If I were a celebrity, I would never do anything like this. As a normal human being, I would never even think about this. Because decent people don't consider passing around non-consensual porn to their friends. I would agree with this sentiment had it been for something minor like DUI without someone dying or using rip-off software and especially for dating scandals. However this isn't minor in anyway.

Lastly, I get that you're obsessed with this whole "no hate" thing. But this isn't simply "hate" they're getting. This isn't people bashing them for a minor slight like being too arrogant or going on a date. They've fucked up so many peoples lives with what they've done. They've victimized so many women and MOCK IT. This isn't that whole "locker room talk" crap, this is actual actions that they pass around like it's as acceptable as drinking a damn bottle of water.

Death threats are wrong, but stop downplaying what happened. Do not be that person who tries their best to humanize someone. They've dehumanized themselves without aid from any "hate" or slander. This is on them and comments like these make them out to be victims when they're not.

I'll respect your opinion as well. However, mine conflicts with yours greatly. This is not a light issue and I feel like you need to take your rose colored glasses off. Adding a disclaimer saying you don't support their actions but that you support the person is still condoning their actions. That's not an opinion, that's just how humans take information in. You can not separate the someone's actions from them as a person. A person is defined by their actions and their words. These men have proven their character and you shouldn't support them at all because that is essentially telling others you're ok with someone doing what they've done.


I copied and pasted my reply so everyone can see that, without any malicious intent or half-assed arguments, this is refutable. No one deserves being bashed, however this is in no ways bashing. Bashing implies taking a minor action or trait and flanderizing it to the point of making someone appear worse than what they are.

No one has made them appear bad. THEY did this to themselves. They have dehumanized themselves by their own actions and words and no one is exaggerating anything about what happened. They raped women. Seungri helped set up these women to be raped and taken advantage of knowingly. These men in this chat all participated even if by not reporting these disgusting acts.

They've mocked these actions, they've treated it like this is morally acceptable. It is not. These actions are illegal for a reason. These actions are HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS. Not just a simple crime, but something that violates a human in every sense of the word.

These men are not "only human." This is not a mistake and this isn't something that should be downplayed. The situation is far to grave for that. Yes, you're a fan. You've followed loyally for so long and I get that. But being a fan does not mean overlooking something of this gravity and justifying why you continue to support them "but not their actions." 

As a human being, we process this as you still condoning them. You can not separate someone from their actions. Once again, your actions and words define you as a human being. You as a fan claiming that they're victims in anyway only marks you as another predator. You're invalidating what these women are suffering through right now.

You're idol is getting hate. But you wanna know something funny? The actual victims who were recorded without consent, blackmailed, drugged, raped, and whored out like an object are getting just as much hate if not more from fans of their attackers. They're being dehumanized further despite being the true victims of these crimes. This mindset so many loyal fans have is toxic, even if under the guise of "not promoting hate." 

You ARE promoting hate. Maybe not in the traditional sense, but please think of the weight your words have. 

You're telling these women they should overlook their feelings and find it in them to forgive someone for brutalizing them. You're telling them that their struggle, their suffering is little when compared to your idol. That may not be your intent, but that is exactly how it will be interpreted no matter how much you defend yourself.

This is not ok.

  1. Seungri
  2. Jung Joon Young
  3. Kim Hyun Joong
5 3,510 Share 58% Upvoted
IrisRose840 pts Friday, March 15, 2019 1
Friday, March 15, 2019

This needed to be said and you said it very well. You have drawn the distinction between date so-called scandals and even a DUI or badly planned tweets -- and vicious planned and executed criminal activity for money and perverted pleasure. Seungri long ago crossed the line between a mistake and hard-core criminality. His self-victimization complex was and is no excuse. If one wants to argue that as a defense, then one must also consider how he victimized so many others. And that cancels out his own so-called inferiority complex. It's not "poor Seungri." It's criminal Seungri. His crimes come from greed and self-entitlement.

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ThomFrances2,335 pts Sunday, June 2, 2019 0
Sunday, June 2, 2019

I'm confused Why is Kim Hyun-Joong tagged in this post?

2 (+2 / -0)


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