Amidst the growing controversies involving BIG BANG's member Seungri and allegations of organize crimes including but not limited to Rape, Drugs, and Prostitution. Famous upcoming lawyer and YouTuber provide some key points to consider with this whole scandal.
Like for example:
1. Is the KakaoTalk messages real?
2. If the KakaoTalk messages are real as the report who broke the news allege, why send it to Anti-Corruption Commission and not the Polices right away when they both work in similar manner to verify data?
3. Why does a KakaoTalk messages from 2-3 years ago have a recent photo of Seungri?
4. If the message are proven to be real, how would the Prosecution prove Seungri wrote it?
...and so much more.
To say such controversial topics are changing the way the Korean public view the Korean entertainment industry is an understatement. These are truly mad times and their is no denying it. And through it all, with the mass implementation of social media, we as fans, bystander, and therebetween must not be so quick to judge said listed individuals, but wait for the legal body in charge to do their judge to the fullest extent of the law. If Seungri or any more individuals whether it be from the Burning Sun controversies or others; are 'Charge' then they should be handed the right punishment by the law, no questions ask. But until an individual is "Charge" amidst all the claims, we are to be caution and view all evidences and source in a subjective manner.
What do you think about the views express in this video?
a video that was uploaded on march 5, 2019? today is already march 15,2019. i am pretty sure a lot of things happened in the span of 10 days, and i am pretty sure some of the questions have already been answered. no point in posting this article since it is not current anymore and so many things had already been revealed in the last 10 days. this article is now irrelevant.