Actress Merry Lee (Lee Mae-ri) has revealed that she'll hold a press conference to expose public figures.
According to a source from the civic organization 'Citizen's Movement'on the 26th, the actress has plans to hold a 'Me Too' press conference at the beginning of April to expose corrupt public figures. The source said, "Merry Lee is planning to reveal her past stories of sexual harassment by public figures in the academic, political, and financial industry. We're currently working on schedule adjustments."
The actress had previously made a post on Facebook on the 17thwhere she shared the news and wrote, "I'm supporting the extension of the investigation of Jang Ja Yeon‘s case! I want a more thorough investigation. Chairman *** of network ***, you’re a devil without any guilty conscience. *** of *** Electronics and former member of the National Assembly ***. I’ll never forgive these devils. All of you corrupt bastards cut off the tail than say that didn’t happen? They forced silence about disadvantages and pressured me to serve drinks. They even insulted my parent’s death. I can’t forget how you couldn’t say a single word of comfort to someone who just went through mourning, but said with an evil smile that if I don’t have money and don’t appear on TV, then I should be good to ***. I fought with you all for six years. All of the people who tried to cover this up are also accomplices.” She has since then deleted the Facebook post.
Merry Lee is a well-known TV personality and actress from dramas like 'Queen of Housewives', 'New Tales of Gisaeng' and 'Jang Gil San.' The actress currently lives in Qatar.
Additional source: (1)
Get em girl, expose their sins.