You know that one meme where it says, "Hey can I copy your homework?" "Yeah but change it a little so the teacher won't notice." ? That is exactly what this is.
Recently Don Solo on iTunes released an album called "Aloha" featuring GlockBoyCarl.
Well, the album cover isn't the most original...
If you don't know what I mean. Take a look at J-hope's Hope World cover from March 2018:

It's a great cover! (With great songs might I add)
Now look at the Aloha album from 2019 (Not sure the month).

I could be dreaming, but these two have so much in common. Like, look at the part in the middle that's sort of dark blue and has the yellow and red streaks coming up and down. They are both almost exactly the same.
Plagiarism, I don't know her.
I'm usually sceptical when it comes to plagiarism because it's often untintentional, but those covers... They look practically the same
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