On the recent episode of Running Man, the cast and guests plays a game of Ddakji to determine the winner and the loser for the first mission. In this episode the cast and the guest are split into 3 teams, each contains a king and the rest are civilians. They go through a series of missions to earn clues to find the real king among the three kings, Ji Suk Jin, Jeon So Min, and Jung Ilwoo. Seok Jin's team had already lost due to previous game. Jung Ilwoo's team is up against Jeon So Min's team for a game of Ddakji, which will determine the final winner of the "King Son Byung Ho"( aka Fold your Finger) game, the first mission. Both teams have only one finger left and the loser would have put down their finger and ultimately lose the game and won't get a clue about the real King.
If you have watched previous episodes of Running Man, you would know that Kim Jong Kook was once the King of Ddakji and so was Yoo Jae Suk and Ji Suk Jin.
Go Ara vs So Min. Go Ara wins.
Ara vs Kwon Yul- Kwon Yul wins after another try at it.
He starts winning by hitting the Ddakji only once
Kwon Yul vs the ace Song Ji Hyo - Yul wins
Kwon Yul vs Sparta Kim Jong Kook- Yul also wins
Ultimately Yul makes his team win the mission and gets a clue to find the real King.
No clip due to episode is recent. It has just came out (aired today).
Is this time for a new King of Ddakji? Watch the whole episode on Viki, or other websites.
I'd say SJH also reigned as "king" of ddakji when she did an all-kill of YJS's team during a game.