During LOONA's second concert LOONAVERSE yesterday, fans noticed an unfortunate event for two of the members.
While the group was performing their song Favorite, maknae Yeojin slipped and fell on Yves. Both seemed to be in pain but Yeojin ran off stage to receive medical attention for a sprained ankle. Fans also noticed that Yves seemed to be in pain but she continued with a strong attitude for the rest of the night. Yeojin later came back and tearfully explained she would beunable to perform for the rest of the night.
The next day, Yves performed a few songs but both girls were eventually forced to stand in the back and only sing for the final day of their concert. Both were deeply upset and apologized to fans for not being able to perform their new songs to the best of their abilities.
"During favorite stage yesterday it was too dark Yeojin accidentally stepped on Yves nose, it was lying on the stage choreo" @ivytwts on Twitter
"Yves is singing live and performing to new with a broken nose. She's so strong, hanbits please cheer extra hard" @INTL_LOONA on Twitterivytwts
Starting at 0:16 and 0:22 you can see Yeojin sitting and Yves standing in the back.
LOONA will make their comeback on February 19 at 6pm KST will their repackage mini album [X X]. This includes the title track Butterfly, five new b-sides, and all the songs from their first mini album [+ +]
Please wish them to get well soon!
"It was too dark Yeojin accidentally stepped on Yves nose, it was lying on the stage choreo"
What?! Did it fall off?
All jokes aside, I hope they make a full recovery and there are no hard feelings!
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