I can't believe these iconic kpop songs cane ten years ago , but that doesn't matter because they sure made a huge impact on kpop today and legends as well .
Here's aome kpop songs that will 10 this years.

It will be officially that ten years ago this catchy crab dance debuted and would sure become a iconic dance from the outfits to the crab dancing , to the lyrics.This will forever remain a bop to us .

Another iconic dance that came out in 2009 and was widely known for it's hips swaying dance by the girl group who have been through it all the brown eyed girls , to this brown eyed girls are still active and will be having a comeback later down this year with all members promoting the band .

H.O.T Issue , was definitely a hot issue alot ,this was another song that was praised for its style , swag and don't forget upbeat lyrics .Even though its 3 years since 4minute disband we will always cherish hot issue and hope that in the future they will perform again.

The hallyu wave kings of kpop were definitely kings during this era , even though it came out the same time as gee ,everyone fell in with this song . From the dance to the catch lyrics how can you not know this song ? Lol

One of the best kpop debut to come with such a cute and bubbly concept, how can we not forget about tara. One of the most catchy dance steps you can easily dance too.

And Another kpop girl group to ever debut such a cool vibrant sound , with one of the best debut tracks of 09 . This girl crush concept really set records for the best debut track in 09 .

And last our top notch boy group that set billions of record. Shinee was riding to shine that year , how can you not listen and not feel fantastic , fantastic elastic .

How can I forget this pop sensational song mister that had everyone dancing from left to right .

After coming back in the 2nd quarter with new members .Afterschool realeased their 2nd single on November 25th ,2009 . The song was a comercial hit , it had topped various of online music charts in South Korea and was a all -kill hit .
wow, i can not believe that those songs are gonna be ten years old. But i still listen to them
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