Cho Hyun Ah, 45, the Korean Air heiress infamous for the 'nut rage' incident, has been sued by her husband, Park, 45, in the midst of their divorce.
On February 21, KBS revealed the video evidence provided by Park. The footage shows Cho violently and repeatedly yelling, "Die," to Park.
Park claims Cho choked him out of anger and even threw a tablet PC at him - making the skin of his toe fall apart. Their twin children have also been physically assaulted by Cho, according to Park.
In response to the video evidence, the legal representative of Cho, stated, "Cho Hyun Ah did not physically or mentally abuse the children. The physical assault (to Park) occurred because Park showed abnormal behavior from alcohol and drugs."
The rep claimed Cho and Park faced trouble in their relationship because Cho stopped Park, who was showing alcoholic behavior, from drinking. Park's careless behavior toward their children is also another reason behind Cho's anger, according to the lawyer.
The rep stated, "She has refrained from taking legal action because of her underage kids but she's now seriously considering legal action for defamation of character and more since the situation has led to a lawsuit."
Meanwhile, the couple, who met in elementary school, got married in October 2010 and has become parents of twins. In April 2018, Park demanded a divorce to Cho due to constant physical and verbal assault. On February 19, Park sued Cho for assault and child abuse.
like mother like daughter. the chicks in this family are psychos. i remember that video of the dragon lady yelling and kicking the construction workers. the chicks in this family have serious mental problems. i feel sorry for the dad. he no doubt got verbally abused and scratched and ass kicked in his marriage. but its no surprise so many rich koreans are arrogant asses. the culture just breeds them due to the preferential treatment the society and laws give them. korea might be modern ecomonmically but morally and culturally they got long way to go.
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