(G)I-DLE's Shuhua opens up about feeling empty + struggles of idol life in a letter
Posted by yckim124763 pts Thursday, February 7, 2019
(G)I-DLE's Shuhua delivered a sincere message to fans.
For Lunar New Year, Shuhua posted a letter via Weibo. The idol opened up about the struggles she had in the first year of her K-pop debut, and also shared strong determination and encouragement to make the new year a better one.
Her letter reads as follows:
Happy New Year!
It's the new year. I hope I, as well as all of you, will have a fresh beginning. What I learned last year, the people I've met, the issues I faced, the things I encountered - some I am thankful for and some I am not.
2018 was a very important turning point in my life. I debuted and stood on stage as part of a K-pop girl group. Everyone thinks I've achieved my dreams. Of course, standing on stage was my initial dream and it still is. However, my heart still feels empty, to be honest.
In the beginning, I was filled with excitement looking at the comments, but as I looked and looked, I eventually found myself gathering up the courage just to go online. There was a period of time when I wasn't willing to go online at all. I know my life has already started to become more magnified, and the so-called 'idol standards' has a system in place that regulates and compares.
It's okay though. I will definitely find balance, stay optimistic, and continue improving myself, to digest and breathe. I will not compare myself to others and I hope all of you will not compare who's better, or who's worse.
Someone who's focused on working hard and always have a goal in mind will never stop growing. The only obstacle is time. Now, all I need is belief. It doesn't matter if it's this year or in the upcoming years. I will live my life brilliantly if there are no mishaps. Creating a story every year from the start to the end, and it will become my life. I hope Shuhua of this year and the Shuhua of every year will make the Shuhua, who first had a dream, feel happy and proud.
JakeyWantsCakey177 ptsThursday, February 7, 2019 5
Thursday, February 7, 2019
No offence but I really didn't expect this coming from her maybe it's because she's not very good at Korean yet but I never expected her to be so thoughtful, mature and eloquent. Wise words from someone so young, I'm impressed!
40(+40 / -0)
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Cherrishes89 ptsThursday, February 7, 2019 0
Thursday, February 7, 2019
im amazed that was a beautiful and wise letter, gonna stan her for sure♡♡
No offence but I really didn't expect this coming from her maybe it's because she's not very good at Korean yet but I never expected her to be so thoughtful, mature and eloquent. Wise words from someone so young, I'm impressed!
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