For idols, there's a lot at stake when they want to point out something that's unfair about their companies. These idols fear contract termination, public ridicule, and legal ramifications if they so much as utter the wrong thing. Because of this, many idols stay silent or do not vocalize their unhappiness with their companies. Of these idols, however, are extremely outspoken idols who recognize that the mistreatment of these talented individuals is abnormal and cruel. These idols are brave enough to go on variety shows or performance stages and go against their own management in order to incur change by garnering widespread attention to certain subjects. Here are 7 jaw-dropping times idols called out entertainment labels and management:
7. HyunA Calls Out MBK CEO on Behalf of Hyomin
HyunA has always been vocal when it comes to mistreatments especially as they involve the 'diets' that she and many other idols have to face. In this particular instance, HyunA calls out MBK's CEO for starving T-ARA's Hyomin. HyunA isn't afraid to savagely remark on the unfair treatment of idols when it comes to food and weight standards. The host was so taken aback by her blunt actions that they thought she was a foreigner.
6. Orange Caramel Lizzy Calls Out Pledis CEO

During a press conference for 'Please Look After My Vanity 2,' Orange Caramel's Lizzy held nothing back as she savagely criticized Pledis Entertainment's CEO for drying up her source of income. During this period of time, Lizzy's contract was nearing an end, and Pledis stopped giving her work altogether. She then called out the CEO directly and called for him to watch the show in order to come to his senses regarding his mistreatment of his employee's financial situations.
5. EXID Indirectly Calls Out Labels
EXID falls mainly under Banana Culture and during this episode of 'Weekly Idol,' a question was posed to them regarding whether they were content with how they're label was treating them. The girls did a good job of getting their point across without slandering their management by responding that the question was an interesting one and sidestepping a response. They may not have denounced the company, but the impact of how they responded did all the talking.
4. 15& Jimin Calls Out JYP
Though this seemed to come off as a funny joke on 'After School Club,' 15&'s Park Jimin is actually pretty serious underneath the hilarious facade. You can tell by the way she calls out JYP in an almost exasperated tone yelling, "I'm a singer! I need to sing! That's why I need an album!" She then goes on to say that she's a singer who is just MC-ing. You can see the awkward tension that it causes the two co-hosts. Kevin, in particular, seems pretty stressed out as he is frantically trying to reroute the conversation to something more light-hearted.
3. Girls' Generation Taeyeon Calls Out Red Velvet's Management
Sometimes your predecessors can go from being your heroes to your real life friends! In this little outing with Red Velvet, Taeyeon called out Red Velvet's management directly and criticized them for not giving them a little space. Taeyeon directly states that the management is being overbearing and that the RV girls can't relax! We stan an unnie that represents their dongsaengs!
2. 2PM Taecyeon Calls Out JYP

Taecyeon once went on a very viral campaign to call out JYP and his frustrations on how his career was being managed. He very harshly criticizes JYP's work environments and staff morale and demanded that JYP needed reform in 2014. Taecyeon's most poignant point comes from the fact that fans cannot understand the inner-workings of a company if he, the celebrity, cannot!
1. iKON Bobby Calls Out YG
Bobby once remarked that he couldn't even say hi to fellow YG label mates, Black Pink. Not only does YG make the idols make reports when they go outside, but they restrict their idols from interacting with others to the point that Bobby had to say something. Bobby, an extremely outspoken idol, was very unadulterated in his criticism.
The fact that YG idols need to write reports... to step outside of their dorm(!)
umm I get taking care of your idol but that's just going overboard on the protection
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