Sean Dolan, father of the popular influencers Ethan and Graylon Dolan, passed away on January 19, 2019, after a long struggle against cancer.
However, Sean still can't rest peacefully due to a few K-pop fans.
In mid 2018, the Dolan Twins were featured on a YouTube video uploaded by Emma Chamberlain. In the video, the twins made a satirical joke in which they passed out onto chairs, referencing how K-pop idols are commonly overworked without enough rest. The twins were criticized for the joke, and K-pop fans demanded an apology.

After Sean's death, a barrage of tweets from K-pop fans mocked him, tweeting things like "remember when the dolan twins laughed about kpop idols passing out? who's alive now".

On the other end of the spectrum, many K-pop fans have apologized for their fandom's actions and state that the views of these mocking K-pop fans are only a minority and don't represent the entire community.

whoever wrote this tweets has a very special place in hell. their father passed away, have some dignity and empathy. seriously...
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