LABOUM revealed they cried their eyes out after climbing the Oricon music charts in Japan.
On December 5, LABOUM held the showcase for their 6th single album 'I'm Yours' and their title track "Turn it On". The girl group also discussed reaching #9 with their previous song "Hwi Hwi" this past November, saying, "I really couldn't believe it. At the time, I was doing an event stage when we heard the news."
LABOUM continued, "We had to perform on stage, but our tears were falling. We didn't talk about it among our members, but we all felt ourselves tearing up."
Check out LABOUM's MV for "Turn it On" if you missed it and "Hwi Hwi" here!
LABOUM said they cried their eyes out after climbing Oricon music charts
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
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they deserve it <3