Actress Jo Yeo Jung apologized for her father's debt controversy and promised to pay the debt.
According to a recent media report, Jo Yeo Jung met with victim A to apologize. Mr. and Mrs. A were seen letting out their unfortunate story and actually seen comforting Jo Yeo Jung.
This day Jo Yeo Jung said, "First, I will send you 30 million won that I have access to. I had to be more prepared but a meeting was suddenly made and so I just came." explaining her situation.
Jo Yeo Jung was surrounded by controversy over her father who borrowed 300 million won. He was involved in a debt controversy for avoiding phone calls and never paying the amount back.
In this situation, Jo Yeo Jung is being praised for her model behavior by trying to take responsibility and showing moral actions.
I feel sorry for the person who got scammed, but Jo Yeo Jung is also a victim in this case.
Children shouldn't pay for the crimes of their families, the law should deal with scammers and their paying the debts back instead
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