HOTSHOT's Taehyun and Hojung recently appeared as special guests on the 'Under Nineteen'-related talk program 'TMI Under Nineteen.'
During the December 9 episode, the members revealed their thoughts about the show's contestants as well as their own experiences, both as idols and as contestants on other similar programs.
"All six HOTSHOT members have the experience of appearing on an audition program," Taehyun explained, referencing the time the members spent on 'Produce 101' and 'The Unit.' "When I look at the contestants on 'Under Nineteen', my heart gets into it. Because I know how difficult it is, I pity them, and when they do well, I'm glad."
Meanwhile, the HOTSHOT members have had success both as a group and in various project groups sprouting from their respective audition programs, including Wanna One, JBJ, and UNB.