On the December 7 airing of MBC's 'Real Men 300', the ROK Army White Skull division's brand new recruits delved into the division's basic physical training routine, which consists of rigorous repetitions of push-ups, sit-ups, and more.
First, the recruits took on the push-up challenge. Each recruit was required to complete 90 regular push-ups, plus 10 additional push-ups wearing 10 kg bags. (For females, 90 regular push-ups + plank for 60 seconds wearing 10 kg bags.)
Cosmic Girls's Eunseo surprised her fellow recruits with her perfect form during the push-up training, causing Berry Good' Johyun to remark, "She's really good at push-ups."
However, during her preliminary interview, Eunseo had named push-ups as her weakness. After going through her preliminary interview, it turned out that Eunseo trained specifically in push-up forms daily leading up to her enlistment in 'Real Men 300'.
Among the female celebrity recruits, Eunseo was the only one who was able to complete a full set of the push-up regiment, which consisted of repeating the challenge 3 times. Afterward, she spilled tears of pride and achievement, shocking her trainers.
In the next stage of the training routine, the sit-up challenge, the other female recruits also showed commitment and managed to complete a full set altogether. Great job, Cosmic Girls's Eunseo!
that our eunseo oppa tho...btw white skull? same division as gd?????????? O_O