TWICE's Jihyo furiously exposed a hacker who attempted to ask Jihyo's mother for money by posing as the idol herself on KakaoTalk.
On November 9, Jihyo shared a series of photos on TWICE's official Instagram, and wrote, "My Naver ID was hacked recently so it is currently under lock, and I have not been able to check even my work-related emails, but this morning, I received contact from my family. Just because I'm a celebrity, you dare find my family's private contact information and pretend to be me? Stop playing such horrible pranks using these unthinkable means. I will not let you off easily next time. That's enough."
In the KakaoTalk messages, a hacker pretending to be TWICE's Jihyo contacts Jihyo's mother from an unknown number, nonchalantly asking, "Mom, are you busy?" and "I'm texting with my manager oppa's phone", "My phone screen broke so I'm getting it fixed".
The hacker then continues, "Mom, can I ask for a favor?", and "Can you send manager oppa 5,000,000 KRW (~ $4,400 USD) through transfer? He'll return it by 2PM." The hacker then casually sent over his/her bank routing number, demanding by the end of the messages, "Mom... can you kind of hurry up?"
We hope Jihyo's family is doing okay after the incident.
SEE ALSO: "What is Love?" becomes TWICE’s 2nd song to reach 500 million Spotify streams
Usually, Girl group members keep this a secret from the public but Jihyo exposed this bitch ✨✨