Nam Joo Hyuk took the cover of 'Cosmopolitan.'

On November 19, 'Cosmopolitan' announced the trending actor has been selected as the cover model for the December issue, which is a 'Cosmo Men' special. An interview with the star was released on November 20.
In the interview, Nam Joo Hyuk shared his life mottos, stating, "There are mottos that I live by. First is 'Let's become a better person,' second is 'Let's not become a person on stop,' and third is 'Let's keep challenging myself.'"
He explained, "They're all on the same context but they're a bit different. 'Let's not be on stop' means that I won't become a person who just sits still with no improvements. Challenging myself means that I will keep challenging myself without fearing the upcoming future."
More of Nam Joo Hyuk's interview and photos can be found in the December issue.

thedark (Banned)2 pts Tuesday, November 20, 2018 0Looking handsome.