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Things like this are bound to happen. Different cultures have different sensibilities and are often completely unaware of these things. There are plenty of symbols that others find offensive, that are not in their home countries. The swastika is a prime example. In the West, the swastika is universally associated with the Nazis, but in Asia, it is a religious symbol of prosperity and good luck, dating back thousands of years.
There are hand gestures that are innocent in one culture, but offensive in others.
How many people have seen someone wear a Che Guevara t-shirt? Do they know that Che Guevara was a murderous sociopath, who killed countless men, women, and children? I rather doubt it.
Most people in my country would not recognize the "Rising Sun" Imperial Japanese Flag, nor have any idea why it would be considered offensive to Koreans. It's just ignorance, not malice.
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exactly, what everyone should know that korea don't really have the knowledge on most of the things,(yea u will say but all the world knows about these stuff) but not korea most people don't care to know or wide their knowledge.
so before bashing anyone and thinking they are racist or anything, think that maybe they don't have the knowledge, you are a fan of korean artist but u don't know that? and don't think just because are a fan of korean idols or celebs that you own the korean community fandom or whatever, we are just international fans, you can drop and leave kpop fandom if you will pick on everything they do because the lack of knowledge and think they are racist before knowing if they actually do it on purpose or not (<-thats not about the bts issue only, other issues in general)
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