Fans of G-Friend, also known as Buddy, have noticed that member Yuju will be absent from all of the group's schedules in November, as indicated by the girls' official scheduled posted on their website.
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Back on November 3 and November 4, G-Friend performed at the 'K-Star Live Power Music World Friends Festival' and the '2018 Jeju Hallyu Festival' as 5-members with Yuju absent. According to G-Friend's official schedule below, every single one of G-Friend's group schedules until November 24 are marked with the following: "(Yuju absent)".
Fans are concerned that G-Friend's label Source Music has yet to release any type of official statement regarding Yuju's whereabouts. Meanwhile, back on November 9, Yuju released her 'Monthly Yoon Jong Shin' project single; recording for this project is suspected to have been Yuju's last official activity before going "MIA".
Buddys even went as far as to trend #SourceMusic_Where's_Yuju_Explain on Twitter a few days ago.
Onlookers commented, "Why is there no statement? This is worrisome", "This is the perfect time for weird rumors to go around, all thanks to the label", "She's in the season's greeting video so I hope it's nothing major...", "Usually if the girls are sick or injured the label releases statements right away, so of course fans would be worried out of their minds", "The last time we saw Yuju was in October TT", "It looks like she might be taking a long break for personal reasons, but if the label would just tell us as much, it would lessen our worrying...", and more.
Stay tuned for updates.

I hope everything is all right and she can promote again soon. I don't know that an explanation really helps; if she's taking a hiatus for health or personal reasons everyone still just has to wait to see if she'll be back. They've been honest about the fact that she won't be attending schedules, maybe she just wants as much privacy as possible for whatever her reason is.
Must be tough on the rest of them. Eunha is a worthy main vocal but imagine having to cover for someone like Yuju...
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