Govengers is a fantasy comedy produced by THE MAN BLK's company STARDIUM. The story begins when Taewoo cleans a phone the group found and finds a mystrious logo in the form of a G on it. The phone suddenly freaks out and some supernatural force makes the members faint. When they wake up again, everything has changed for them.
The drama includes only five of the ten members: Shin Jeongyu, Eom Sewoong, Kang Taewoo, Jeong Jinhwan and Choe Chanyi (a BOYS24 contestant).
(The other five members are Choi Sungyong, Yoon Junwon, Lee Hyeonseok, Ko Woojin and Cheon Seungho)
Govengers can be watched on THE MAN BLK's VLive channel or Naver
THE MAN BLK held their debut showcase on the 10th of October. Clips from their showcase can also be watched on their VLive channel, as well as the group's debut reality Nonhyeon Stardium (also available on Youtube with English subtitles).
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