This week's master on SBS's 'The Butlers' is Hollywood star Ki Hong Lee!
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On the episode aired on September 26, Lee Seung Gi, Yang Se Hyung, Lee Sang Yoon, and BTOB's Sungjae traveled to Los Angeles, California to meet their new master, who turned out to be Ki Hong Lee.
At first, Ki Hong Lee hid his identity with a hood, showing off his bowling skills(?) silently while the cast members approached. Once the hood came off, the cast members shouted in joy, saying, "'Maze Runner', 'Maze Runner'!".
Afterward, they sat down so that Ki Hong Lee could conduct a "friendship interview" with each of the members based on research he'd done about them! To Lee Seung Gi, Ki Hong Lee pointed out that he was a hyung, saying, "You don't count early birthdays in America," since Ki Hong Lee was born in 1986 and Lee Seung Gi, in early 1987.
Ki Hong Lee then reacted to the other cast members' "American names", including Yang Se Hyung's Vary Vary Yang Se Vary, Lee Sang Yoon's AngLee (combining angry + lee), and Sungjae's Six Cash$.
Watch clips from this week's 'The Butlers' above and below!
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