On September 7, Pentagon's E'Dawn spoke up for the first time since his dating news with HyunA through his group's official fan cafe. However, many netizens are still reacting coldly to his and HyunA's relationship. On September 8, some netizens even began spreading a malicious, "deciphered" version of E'Dawn's letter.

However, because I chose it, I felt that rather than telling an even bigger lie later on, I had to be honest to you all."
"I thought my blind fans would understand my desire to win at both work and romance."
I'm disappointed that I will not be able to keep my promise of greeting you on stage..."
"I can't believe the company is literally keeping me out of any promotions."
"Still, in one sense, I do feel relieved that I'll be able to join the members with the music that we all worked on together... I will cheer for the album we created with honesty and for my members..."
"But I composed the song so if the song does well, you know it's all my doing right? I'll be resting while getting paid in royalties."
"I was given a long period of time in the form of a month. At first, I suspected that you would hate me, and worried that maybe some of you were hurt, and I had a time of reflecting on all kinds of thoughts."
"I've already been reflecting for a month, isn't it time to let me off the hook? Regardless of what fans thought of me, I still wanted to tell the world that I was dating a queen."
"It's sad that after all this time, I can only relay my honest thoughts through writing. "
"The company won't let me do anything. My blind fans, pressure them some more."
I'm not sure how and in what format we'll be able to meet again next time, but until then, please don't be sick, and I'll do well while praying that only good things will happen to you."
Reading the "deciphered" version of E'Dawn's letter, netizens are further adding on to the issue by comparing E'Dawn to Hyunseung before his departure from B2ST, a similar "decipher" letter which spread online during EXO member Baekhyun's dating news, etc.

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