Taeyeon took to social media for help from the public.
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According to several social media posts on various platforms, the late Jonghyun's pet dog, Roo, has gone missing. The last time Roo was seen was in the Gangwondo Province, Hongcheon County, near a hospital on May 25 around 5 PM KST. Since the news, Taeyeon took to her pet's Instagram page to retweet and spread the news in an effort to get Roo back home safely.
Since then, @doodleshop_seoul gave an update on the issue, "Hongcheon Dog Shelter has already received many calls. We ask everyone to refrain from calling them. Around 2 PM, a puppy that looks similar to Roo was found by Sekwang Pharmacy and a gentleman barely provided a snack to the puppy. Currently, its boundary issue is very intense so if you can call its name, Roo, and gently take care of it, we would appreciate it. The pet owner is in Hongcheon and can go to the location right away so please contact us."
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