A fan's huge effort brought a long-awaited response from her favorite idol.

According to an article by Nextshark, Elizabeth Zhang, a high school senior and also a passionate iGOT7, started the Instagram account with the ID @jacksonwangprom on May 12, 2017. Every day, she made posts asking Jackson to her high school prom. She used her stellar photoshop skills to make creative promposals.
The account gained over 6,000 followers and many GOT7 fans showed their support. The year-long project came to a close on May 12, 2018. Unfortunately, she didn't get the 'yes' response from Jackson but Elizabeth is satisfied with how she was able to get the idol and GOT7's name more well known to the public.
The project is over but her amazing dedication and effort made headlines. And guess who also became aware of Elizabeth?
The idol star left a comment on Elizabeth's post, saying, "Saw the article hahahahahahahhaha 365 days!! Wow," and asked, "So who did you go to prom with?"

Elizabeth gave the answer on the next post, which showed her posing with a cardboard Jackson in elegant prom gear. The caption read, "Your fav power couple takes on prom."
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