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KPOP Idols and Their Ideal Pokemon Type

Posted by LeJulie2 pts Friday, March 9, 2018
1. CL x Dragon Type
Dragon types are legendary creatures and there's no other idol that's as legendary as CL. From her struggles with her group to her delayed debuts, CL has always gone through it all with a strong outlook. They are powerful Pokemon defensively and offensively as CL is a powerful leader on stage and off stage as she has been seen showing powerful leadership skills with her girls. Dragon-type Pokemon are generally not well utilized similarly to how CL's range of skills isn't completely utilized. But in the right places, Dragon pokemon can shine as CL can too.
2. Hani x Psychic
Psychic Pokemon tend to be a mesmerizing type and Hani is by far one of the most intriguing and mesmerizing KPOP idols there is. With her quirky attitude and silly behavior she still catches the attention of fans worldwide with her smooth and attractive personality. Psychic-type Pokemon tend to be strong defensively and Hani is the type of idol that is a strong advocate for her girls in EXID proving she is defensive of those she loves. Psychic types also have very few weaknesses as Hani herself has very few flaws.
3. Jay x Ground
Jay from iKON is probably the most grounding out of all the members. Being the eldest of the group, he tends to do what he can to protect and support his younger members. Offensively, Ground-type Pokemon are one of the most powerful types as Jay is one of the most powerful vocalists in iKON. Although Ground-type Pokemon may seem simple, they provide quite the punch depending on how they're used and the same can be said about Jay. Even though he may seem to be a simple man, as long as his skills are properly executed he can be a powerful player in the KPOP industry.
4. Mark x Flying Type
JYP is known to have idols do amazing flips and tricks as part of their routine and no one does it better than Mark from GOT7. Similarly to how Flying-type Pokemon majestically soar through the air, Mark can execute flawless moves as he flips and kicks through the air effortlessly. Almost all Flying-type Pokemon are dual type as Mark is both Korean and American bridging the gap between the two different worlds and combining it to make his own unique perspective.
5. G-Dragon x Electric
A shockingly favorite type of the Pokemon world thanks to Pikachu, Electric-type Pokemon hold a special place in Pokemon fan's hearts similarly to how G-Dragon holds a special place in fans' hearts worldwide. Whether or not people know KPOP or Pokemon, Pikachu and G-Dragon are names that can be easily recognized. Electric-type Pokemon are special in that they only have one weakness similarly to how G-Dragon has few weaknesses. Electric-types have high speed and special attack offensively and G-Dragon has quickly and easily reached out to the world far beyond just KPOP. As Pikachu is an idol image of Pokemon, G-Dragon is one of many idol images of KPOP.
6. J-Hope x Normal
Although Normal-type Pokemon tend to be looked down upon because they don't seem to be unique, they are a powerful type if used properly like how JHope may seem simple and plain but proves to be an important part of KPOP world. Normal type Pokemon have a wide move pool which means they have the ability to learn various move types. J-Hope is similar in the sense that he has his own basic abilities but is very keen to picking up other aspects that makes him unique such as improvement in dancing, rapping, singing, and choreography. Despite the lack of attention Normal-type Pokemon get, they still prove to be a powerful addition to any team as J-Hope is often overlooked but a vital part of BTS.
7. Amber x Water
Water-type Pokemon are rather fluid and special types that hold strong defensive stats and powerful offensive moves. Amber herself is very fluid in the work that she does whether that be in Korea or America, she can adapt to various situations but still remain true to who she is. Water-type Pokemon tend to carry a sense of carefree-ness that Amber holds and yet when it comes to it she and this Pokemon type will strongly defend what they believe in without hesitation.
8. Jennie x Fire
Fire-type Pokemon are known to spark up the place with their spicy attitude and strong personalities like how Jennie from BlackPink carries a strong and fierce attitude on and off stage. Fire-type Pokemon are very powerful offensively but have below average defense stats. However, they have good speed and high attack when it comes to it like how Jennie is a powerful strength on stage but off stage, she is generally more soft and shy. However, both parties tend to show a strong outlook and have a powerful presence as a staple team member.
9. Lee Hyori x Fairy Type
What's more appropriate than having the Nation's Fairy ideal type be Fairy. Fairy-Type Pokemon are considered one of the best defensive types and are quite strong offensively too. Lee Hyori has proved to be a multifaceted idol that is both kind and fierce. Hyori has shown herself to be an idol worthy of all the praise and glory she has received as the sweet and gentle Nation's Fairy. Fairy-type Pokemon are similar in that they too seem sweet and kind but prove to be fierce battlers.
10. IU x Grass
Grass-type Pokemon are a type that need to be used intentionally with care. The Nation's Little Sister is a kind and gentle soul similar to the gentleness that Grass-type Pokemon carry. Grass Pokemon and their trainers build a strong relationship that is difficult to disrupt. In order to work with Grass-type, the trainer must gain their trust through love and affection. IU too is a person that has gained the love and trust of her fans through her perseverance and love. There's no better type for IU than Grass.
11. Tablo x Steel
Steel-type Pokemon are considered to be one of the best defensive types and have very few weaknesses offensively. Tablo as an artist has proved time and time again how resilient he is as a leader and idol through the drama with his anti-fans and the difficulties of managing his own label. Like Steel-type Pokemon, Tablo is a resilient and reliable leader and team member.

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Xviver0 pt Tuesday, June 21, 2022 0
Tuesday, June 21, 2022

I remember my childhood playing Pokemon all my free time and spending hours exploring the world. I even associated myself with the Charmander for my resemblance in appearance and the tuft on my head like his tail. Then, growing up, although I did not devote so much time to this universe, I still remembered and appreciated it with all my heart. I even wrote small essays on Pokemon and even published them. Now I use some of them as a free example, and you can and even read my old work. Of course, I have grown up and have my own life, but memories from childhood still warm my soul

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