The drama is said to revolve around the daily tasks of police officials on duty risking their lives to help those in need. Starring Jung Yoo Mi, Lee Kwang Soo, Bae Sung Woo, Bae Jong Ok, many are looking forward to Lee Kwang Soo's acting on the small screen.
Moreover, this will be Lee Kwang Soo's third project collaborating with writer Noh Hee Kyung, leading to further anticipation. According to tvN, the actor will be playing the role of rookie officer Yeom Sang Soo, who became an officer, not necessarily to protect the law, but because he needed to survive in the real world.
Though a bit baffled by the whole situation, Lee Kwang Soo's character is full of passion as he takes on numerous cases.
'Live' staff also unveiled the first set of still images featuring Lee Kwang Soo dressed in police uniform. He can be seen making a stern expression while on patrol.
The staff explained, "Yeom Sang Soo is a typical character many people can relate to." And praised Lee Kwang Soo for his superb acting, "No one could've done it better than Lee Kwang Soo. He portrayed the role perfectly."
'Live' is set to premiere on March 10.
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