On February 16, tvN broadcasted the Lunar New Year pilot program 'Secret Garden' featuring MC Jung Hyung Don, Sung Si Kyung, and Jang Yoon Joo.
'Secret Garden' is a psychology talk show where the panelists have a discussion about different psychological conditions.
Sung Si Kyung asked the fellow MCs if they have interest in psychology. Jung Hyung Don mentioned his struggles with anxiety disorder and said, "Well, you know, I'm still struggling.."
Back in 2015, Jung Hyung Don stepped down from all broadcast and was also hospitalized for anxiety disorder.
SEE ALSO: Jung Hyung Don shows his remarkable transformation, slims down 21 kg (46.2 lbs)
He then described what it's like to be suffering from the condition, and said, "It's hard to describe it in one word. But it just feels like a dark shadow is behind me... I feel like I'm ideal for this program."
Sung Si Kyung commented, "Celebrities might seem fancy but they are exhausted." Jung Hyung Don agreed and said, "Misunderstandings form because we don't get to say everything we want on camera."
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