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Idols That Have Changed the Most Since Debut

Posted by Lorr-Ye Sunday, February 18, 2018
1. Hyosung
Jun Hyosung of Secret was noticed for her massive weight loss and weight gain from debut until now. When Secret debuted, Hyosung was noted for her curvaceous appeal, a notable aspect of her body that was a bit different from the rigid norm of stick-thin idols. However, in 2012, Hyosung appeared in a Secret comeback having lost a significant amount of weight. Since then, Hyosung has been fluctuating between her curvaceous body and her thinner, dieting body. Secret's Hana and Sunhwa also underwent a number of changes and now offer a stark contrast in looks from their debut.
2. Minzy
Minzy debuted with 2NE1 when she was around 15-years-old. Because she began her reign with the group so early, she had a lot of time to blossom from a young girl into a sophisticated woman! That being said, Minzy also underwent a rhinoplasty that changed a bit of her facial composition. Pairing a surgery with puberty is sure to have a huge impact on the differences between then and now.
3. Jungkook
BTS' Jungkook is one of the most famous cases of incredible changes from debut to now! Similarly to Minzy, Jungkook was also prepubescent at the time of debut, so the metamorphosis into his current handsome form is like witnessing a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. Jungkook not only grew about a foot, he also took up weightlifting and going to to the gym frequently to become "Muscle Pig Jungkook," a huge version of himself!
4. Gayoon
4Minute's Gayoon was notable for being a thicker idol when they first came out, but over the course of 4Minute's career, Gayoon lost a notable amount of weight. There were even a number of plastic surgery accusations during the "Volume Up" era especially jaw reduction surgery. Many netizens claim that because one is not able to eat after jaw reduction surgery, Gayoon's weight loss could be attributed to that.
5. Minho
SHINee's Minho was quite possibly the scrawniest 17 year old boy to ever debut in K-Pop. Not only that, but he was shy as well! However, once 2010 came around, Minho began to hit the gym and fill out his figure and one netizen claims that in 2018 you are "able to wash your laundry on his torso." Minho underwent a huge change from boyish to manly!
6. Nana
Nana has always been a beauty, whether it was since debut or now, but when she debuted she took on a more girl next door natural beauty that isn't nearly as fabulous as her celebrity aura now. In fact, in her debut days, she wore extremely minimalist makeup and a more natural looking style, but now is significantly glammed up. There have been rumors circulating about eyelid surgery and a possible nose job, but we think that Nana is a natural beauty!
7. Seohyun
Seohyun has always been demure and sweet, but as of late she has taken on a much more mature and sexy aura. In fact, when Girls' Generation first debuted, Seohyun had the chubbiest cheeks and cutest baby face of them all! Now, her face has matured and takes on a significantly more womanly look. She was an obvious maknae until the Genie era, where styling started to take a shift in a more sophisticated direction.
8. T.O.P.
T.O.P. of Big Bang is one of the sexiest male K-Pop idols, but before he glowed up, he was one of the dorkiest! In fact, T.O.P. before his debut with Big Bang was extremely overweight. Many images of his school photos circulate the internet and are considered major memes in the community, but after his dramatic weight loss and debut, he has morphed into one of the major heartthrobs of the industry. Not only has he had a long time to mature, his style has vastly improved as well.
9. Kyuhyun
Kyuhyun of Super Junior is one of the idols to openly admit to plastic surgery. Despite only being 27, there is a certain aspect of Kyuhyun's face that seems to be overfilled with botox. It doesn't seem as though he's had a huge amount of work done, however, the fillers that might have been used are quite apparent. He has also filled out a bit since his debut, giving a more mature look, while still retaining the doll-like quality his big eyes give him.
10. Hyuk
VIXX's maknae was another skinny and small maknae who was notably the youngest in the group whenever VIXX did promotions. Fast forward to 2018, Hyuk has done a complete 180 and is now one of the manliest members in the group. It has been rumored that he has received a nose job to lift the tip of his nose a bit, but other than that we consider Hyuk to be a natural beauty who has been blessed with great features.
11. Xiumin
Xiumin of EXO has unfortunately fallen victim to the "Yo-Yo Diet" that many idols go through. He is at times beefy and at times extremely thin due to the rigor of practice, promotions, and performance (the three P's). However, as of late, Xiumin has maintained a healthier weight and is taking care of himself better than ever before. Though many idols who go through image fluctuations are women, Xiumin shows us that men also undergo external pressures such as body modification.

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