Out of all the rookies that debuted this year, the top 10 albums sold are as follows, in order: Wanna One's '1X1=1 (To Be One)' [733,837], JBJ's 'Fantasy' [88,206], MXM's 'Unmix' [59,526], Weki Meki's 'WeMe' [47,072], PRISTIN's 'Hi' [42,299], Jung Se Woon's 'Ever' [41,371], Samuel Kim's '16' [34,386], Yong Guk & Si Hyun's 'the.the.the' [33,550], Rainz' 'Sunshine' [27,528], and PRISTIN's 'Schxxl's Out' [27,276].
SEE ALSO: Former PRISTIN’s Kyla Massie announces engagement
All 9 of the groups (since PRISTIN are on there twice) are from 'Produce 101'. JBJ and Rainz are project groups, MXM and Yong Guk & Si Hyun are unit groups, and Samuel Kim and Jung Se Woon are solos, but they are still the most-sold rookies of the year over any other rookies who debuted this year.
With numbers like these, it's hard for trainees and labels to pass up 'Produce 101' because even those who don't win end up with a large fanbase to start.
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