During the Naver V Live broadcast on November 9, the two members mentioned 'The Unit', and stated, "The voting opens on the 11th. Please give support for DIA's Yebin and Somyi."
In response to fans who showed concerned about their participation in 'The Unit' possibly harming DIA promotions, Yebin stated, "The 9 members of DIA can get together anytime. We live together in the dorm so we've been continuously watching one another. We also give one another overflowing encouragement."
The girls spoke more about their experience on 'The Unit', and said, "We've never thought about living with people other than our members but spending time with new people is amusing and refreshing. But it also made us think about our members." They continued, "We can now understand how Jung Chae Yeon and Ki Hi Hyun must've felt during 'Produce 101'. As people who watched them prepare for the show from the side, we came to think that it really must've been tough."

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