The idol-actress recently met with Chic News for an interview. On this day, she showed up with a new hairstyle of a short bob. When asked about the new look, YoonA explained, "People ask if a change in emotions led to the new hairstyle but it's just that my hair wouldn't brush because it was so damaged. I wanted to get a cut and I thought I might as well get it cut short to regrow it healthily."
She continued, "I haven't had a short bob in 8 years since 'Genie'. I wanted to get it cut because it was damaged and I was also getting sick of the same long hair. I've always styled it similarly too so I wanted to try something new."
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YoonA also shared the reactions of fellow Girls' Generation members. She said, "They said it was pretty. The 'short hair syndrome' is taking over among our members.
Sooyoung unnie and Seohyun had to get it cut because of their productions and Sunny unnie also got it cut. Yuri unnie got a bit cut too. When I was getting my hair cut, Taeyeon unnie was getting her hair done next to me. I wanted to cut all the long hair off after I got mine cut."
How do you like YoonA's short hairstyle?
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