TRCNG has revealed what their debut song title will be.
The boys just finished up revealing the profiles of all 10 members, and it's now been revealed that their debut song will be titled "Spectrum". The song has a cinematic sound and a trap beat, and is a hip-hop dance genre. Members Jisung and Hohyeon participated in the rap-writing themselves.
The group's name, TRCNG, stands for 'Teen Rising Champion in a New Generation', made up of 10 members Jihun, Hayoung, Taeseon, Wooyeop, Jisung, Hyunwoo, Siwoo, Hohyeon, and Kangmin. The boys have an average age of 15.9 and all the members are born on or after 2000.
Stay tuned for their debut on October 10th.
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