Despite their leader's absence, the 8 veterans, Choo Sung Hoon, comedian Noh Woo Jin, Lee Tae Gon, Ryu Dam, Kangnam, 2AM's Jinwoon, singer Oh Jong Hyuk and Lee Moon Sik decided to stick together as they made their way towards the exotic island of Fiji.
In regards to Kim Byung Man's injury, Choo Sung Hoon commented, "I felt bad. I wanted to help him." He then vowed, "I will do my best to create a comfortable atmosphere when he returns."
Noh Woo Jin also mentioned, "As a member from the very beginning, I have a great deal of responsibility." Oh Jong Hyuk added, "My loyalty is sky high, of course, I will go," as the members demonstrated a strong bond and showed support for their captain.
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